Are Kids and Teens Safe in Online Chat Rooms?
The Internet, what a wonderful invention! Could something as useful as the Internet be unsafe for our children? Lets consider the following scene. You are planning a trip vacation in a few days. You have everything ready. You are packed ready to go on your dream vacation. You leave your seventeen year old son Jason in charge of the house for that week. After all its just a week and you have left him enough money for food and all other expenses he might need while you are gone. You remind him that he is not to open the door to strangers and that no one is to enter the house who are not other family members or friends he knows well. How safe is your seventeen year old son? Safe or unsafe? You might think that your teenager is safe. You thought of everything he might need to survive on his own while you are on that one week dream vacation you have waited for so long. You left thinking you are the best parent in the world. You even reminded him that he is not to let stran...