Secrets of Raising Better Kids and Teens in Today's World

Raising great kids is not talk but work. Parenting or guarding young ones is one of the most difficult tasks on earth and truly it is one work we get little or no training but if it is done rightly, the rewards are fulfilling and long lasting.

To raise better kids and teens, you must be intentional about it. Nothing works until your mind is in it. See raising kids and teens as a work that must be done properly if not the family and entire community will suffer the ugly consequences.
Anything one learned during kidhood or teenage years sticks and can be difficult to unlearn. As one who is entrusted with the duty of raising these young ones, whether you are their biological parent or not, you should give this work your best. You should know that for anything to thrive, it requires time and care.

As a higherlife coach, major part of my work involves helping people make a positive difference with their life and living, and I thought it necessary to write on this topic because children are our arrows to the future. If you truly desire to raise better kids and teens in this internet and touch screen era, the following points below will help you:

# 1 Healthy Communication
Good communication does not just happen, you must make it work. You have not rightly communicated until the kids and teens understand you.

#2 Moral Re-Armaments
Good ethics and morals should be encouraged at the early stage of child development because characters formed at this time of life are carried on to adulthood. As a parent or guardian, you must be God fearing and purposeful if not you won't be able to help children understand the true meaning of life, what purpose is and what brings about authentic happiness, joy and fulfillment. Help kids and teens build a good spiritual life and you will be amazed that other aspect of their lives will be healthy and progressive. You must properly build a moral and ethical environment.

#3 Netiquette
Educate young ones on the healthy use of social media and other internet platforms. This will help them to behave rightly whether someone is watching them or not as they use the internet. You must make them understand that what they watch read and hear subtly influence their lives therefore, they should not watch, listen to or read immoral and evil stuffs that will corrupt their minds. Teach them healthy rules on how to use and communicate on the internet and social media.

#4 Be a living epistle:
Young people learn fast by imitating adults. As an adult, you must be a person of good character and conduct. Be an exemplary; the younger ones are watching, observing and copying what you do. Show gratitude and treat people with respect and these younger ones will learn to do so.

Train up younger ones in rightful ways and as they grow up, this moral values and good things you have taught them will help them surmount the pressures of life. They will grow up to become good citizens and noble ambassadors of our nation. If we all can give raising of better kids and teens our best, they will grow up to make us proud. Children are treasures and we must value and guard them with diligence.


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