What Phone is Better For Kids and Teens - The Apple iPhone Or Blackberry?

People these days are rapidly starting to get cell phones at an earlier an earlier age. Particularly Smart Phones. These cell phones go anywhere from the Apple iPhone to the Blackberry. Although, the question is which one is the best for your child or teen?

The Blackberry was originally based as a business phone mostly for adults. With the Blackberry you get easy to retrieve e-mails, texts, and internet access. Plus their hit game Brick Breaker. Along with these features most of their models like the Blackberry Curve have a full accessible keyboard as for their one model the Blackberry Pearl and the Blackberry Pearl Flip come with a half keyboard with around two letters per key.

Although, don't get this wrong the Blackberry Pearl's keyboard does have a feature where it tries to predict what you are going to type and works very effectively and mostly helps you type fast with the smaller size phone. The Blackberry also includes a camera with a very nice zoom option. Along with these Blackberry's there is one touch screen called the Blackberry Storm which is hard to maneuver and does not have a slide out keyboard but a slim touch screen one.

The Apple iPhone was originally structured from the Apple iPod Touch. If you know what the Apple iPod Touch is than you should know that the Apple iPhone is the same thing just basically adding a phone, camera, and 3G AT&T network so you get internet access from anywhere there is AT&T cell phone service. This phone has thousands of applications for you to use and download onto your phone. A lot of these applications are free to download with a few that cost around a dollar or two.

Even you can download the Sims 3 onto your iPhone. Along with these applications you start out with a very fast Safari internet browser, Youtube, and many more. As you can assume this phone seems to attract kids and teens a lot with their games but the Apple iPhone also attracts adults, and business men. The reason for this is because along with the Apple Store's games they include Google Earth, Microsoft Word, and many more. Ideally the Apple iPhone is a very easy accessible phone. You have everything all together the way you want it. The only downside of there camera is the fact that there isn't a zoom in option.

Apple had recently come out with a new model called the iPhone 3G S. Which is really the same base except adding a few more features like Voice Control, Video, Search, and a few more. One of the few nicely designed downsides of this spectacular phone is the fact where you must use a touch screen keyboard on the phone but is surprisingly easy to type with. On all places on the Apple iPhone 3G S you can turn the keyboard sideways for a good long touch screen keyboard. As for the Apple iPhone you can only turn the keyboard in a few places. Really though one of the best features is that you can have your phone, computer, and ipod all on the go in one place.


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